Step By Step Magic: Simple Intention Manifestation

In 2008 I turned some kind of corner in magic / intention manifestation (whatever you want to call it), and got markedly better at it.  The technique I developed then is not suitable for manifesting thousands of dollars or a house (in my experience, that takes sustained meditation paired with sustained action), but I’ve had some successes that blew me away nevertheless.  Gather ’round, and I’ll let you in on the secret…

How to Do It

It’s a three-step process.

1.  Make sure you really want it.  You don’t actually have to be specific about every detail, you don’t have to have a clear picture in your mind, or any of that; what you need is a very clear, simple, positive desire uncluttered by any doubts.  This can be tricky, because sometimes you have hidden doubts.  I’ll give some examples below.

2.  Believe it can realistically happen.  This can be kind of hard, depending on what it is you’re trying to manifest, and what your level of faith is.  But if you don’t believe it’s possible…  well, it won’t be.  It is easier to practice on more believable stuff first.

3.  Get yourself to believe that what you want is, in fact, about to happen and wrap yourself in the gratitude and happiness that you’re about to receive it.  I found it’s very helpful to say to myself, “I’m so grateful that X is about to happen!”  I repeat this a few times and imagine the feeling…  And then I really am feeling it.

Now, watch it happen!

Below are four examples of this technique in action.

Making a Little Fast Cash


This happened in the summer of 2007.  It was the first time I feel like I was definitely successful with intention manifestation, and I’ve been using it as a sort of touchstone for my efforts ever since.

I was leaving a parking garage, and I knew I was going to have to pay on the way out, but I didn’t know how much I owed.  I guessed it would be somewhere in the $15 to $50 range, but other than that, I had no idea.  I also didn’t know how much money was in my wallet, though I figured I probably had at least $20.  I desperately hoped I had enough money to pay the fee.

This probably gives you a good general idea of my practical skill with finances at the time…

I decided to try to manifest the money I needed.  Going through the three steps:

1.  I really, really wanted to get out of the parking garage.  Definitely no internal conflict there.
2.  I believed that it was realistically possible that I had enough money to pay the fee.
3.  I said to myself, “I am so glad I have enough money to get out of this garage!”  I repeated it as I drove up to the window.  I felt that gratitude.

I drove up.  The nice man at the window told me the fee was $33.  I looked in my wallet, and that’s exactly what I had.  No kidding.

The fact that I’d hit the $33 precisely convinced me that this was magic, not coincidence.  I was ecstatic.  Over the next year, I kept practicing, but it was difficult to generate both the belief and the gratitude before I saw anything happen.  Nevertheless, I persevered, and I got better at it, as you’ll see.

Repelling Insects

In the summer of 2008 we took a family trip up to New Hampshire.  You probably know that New England is famous for its three seasons — Winter, Mud, and Bugs — and most of the family stocked up on bug spray and various other insect repelling chemicals and lotions and oils.  I decided I didn’t want to bother with all that.

1.  I didn’t want to get bitten.  Again, no question about what I wanted.
2.  I believed it was realistically possible that, simply by chance, I wouldn’t get bitten during the week.  A slim chance maybe, but a chance.
3.  I spent a little time on the drive up working up appropriate gratitude in anticipation of making it through the week unscathed.

Not one bite.  Not one.

Nearly everyone else on the trip was eaten alive, despite their chemical precautions.  

Several months afterwards, I took a one-week hike by myself on the Appalachian Trail in Massachusetts. I could literally see the clouds of mosquitoes around me, and hear them zipping in and out of my ears as I hiked. If I remember correctly, I ended up with exactly one bite on my ankle.

Winning At Pool

Our cabin in New Hampshire had a pool table downstairs, and since it rained like gangbusters during most of the trip, we spent a fair bit of time playing.  My brother-in-law was, I think, the best player in the house, and beat the rest of us pretty consistently.  But during one game near the end of the trip, he was having a devil of a time getting any balls into the pockets…

As he missed shot after shot, I suddenly realized that I was subconsciously using intention manifestation to mess him up.  Every time he lined up his cue, I’d find myself feeling excited and happy that he was about to miss.  And he did.

When I saw what I was doing, I started to feel bad about it — it was so easy, it really felt like cheating.  (I mean, I’m sure there’s nothing in the Official Rules of Billiards that disallows magic, but…)  With a little effort, I turned off the intention manifestation.  Immediately — I kid you not — his shots started sinking, again and again.  Just to make sure, I tried pushing aside a few more of his shots, and I was able to do it.  Then I left him alone.  At that point his confidence soared, and his own subconscious magic must have kicked in.  He totally destroyed me…

But I was ecstatic.  I’d gotten intention manifestation to work again — in fact, it was becoming second-nature.  And I was getting fast enough at it to “cast a spell” in time to affect a pool shot.

Finding Lost Items

Shortly afterwards, my beard trimmer’s battery ran out.  The trimmer has a cord, so it can recharge, but I’d lost the cord months ago and I had no idea where it was.  As a result, my trimmer was dead, and my beard had been growing for weeks and was starting to get pretty shaggy. So I tried to use intention manifestation to find it.

1.  Did I really want it?  Here I found a little unexpected resistence.  Part of me would love to have a big thick long beard, like a classic wizard or something.  I’ll probably grow one like that someday.  But I know from experience that between the Usual Jeff Length and the Wizard Length is the Awkward Length, in which the beard somehow makes my face look unusually and unpleasantly wide.  I had to remind myself of this and make sure my desire for a short, neat beard was quite pure.

2.  I certainly believed I could find the power cord.  It had to be in the house somewhere.

3.  Gratitude was also challenging to create, because what I was mainly feeling at the time was annoyance that the cord had been lost for so long, embarrassment at looking like a refugee from the Lost Island of Druids, and anxiety because I was headed off to work and didn’t have much time for this exercise.  I had to push all that out of the way and think only about how wonderful it was that I was about to find the cord.


Well, the cord didn’t just pop into view.  I still felt like I needed to know where to look.  (Maybe if I had a stronger belief in #2, that wouldn’t have been necessary?)  So I took out a book (bibliomancy!) and placed my finger randomly on a letter.  Before looking at the letter, I mentally assigned different floors in the house to different letters of the alphabet (eg vowels are upstairs, b-m are the main floor, n-z are the basement…).  I did another round of intention manifestation steps 1-3 to make sure the divination would work, and looked at the letter.  I was instructed to look upstairs.

I went up.  Here there were five places to look:  the master bedroom, the office, the bathroom, the hall closet, and the kids’ room.  I did another letter divination, and I was instructed to look in the kids’ room.

I was confused.  Why would the cord be there?  But I went and looked anyway.  And I looked and I looked…  And it wasn’t there.  What went wrong?

Aha!  I thought.  I hadn’t done another round of intention manifestation before I did the second letter divination!  I stood in the center of the upstairs hallway, closed my eyes, and did the whole thing again, making sure to generate gratitude that the letter divination was about to work.  This time I was told to look in the hall closet.

Now, you have to understand, weeks ago I had already turned that closet inside out looking for that stupid power cord.  I was 99% sure it wasn’t in there.  But I set that aside, built up my belief and gratitude, opened the door to the closet, and…

My eyes fell directly on it.

From Small Fry to Big Time

My success with larger projects has been a lot more limited.  #2 (belief) is harder to create and maintain over long periods, especially for things like making a million dollars; and the same goes for #3 (gratitude).  Plus, larger projects frequently have a lot of possible ramifications in your life, some of which might not be pleasant (are you really ready for all the responsibility and worry that a million dollars might bring?), which creates problems with #1 (desire).  The mental discipline involved is just harder.

Over time I have definitely improved. One of the neatest tricks is using intention manifestation to improve your own skill and knowledge: believing that you can get better, wanting to get better, having gratitude in your own improvement, together will serve to build your abilities. It will also improve your own self-knowledge and spiritual growth, since you are continually challenging your own beliefs (Do I really believe in this?) and your own desires (Do I really want this? Why?). It takes intention manifestation away from the self-centeredness of simply getting what you want when you want it, and more toward the mystical union of the self and the larger, more-than-human world.



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18 responses to “Step By Step Magic: Simple Intention Manifestation”

  1. Just found this site. Love the inspiring posts. Look forward to your future blogs.


  2. Thanks, Damian! I’m really glad you like my place. 🙂 Welcome!


  3. Dare I say here that I’ve seen the “Law of Attraction” — when relied on under the conditions you outline for its success — “come false” at least as often as (probably more often than) I’ve seen it come true?

    Dare I also ask you: “What evidence, if you had it, would convince you that — in a particular instance, the ‘Law of Attraction’ had indeed ‘come false’?”


  4. Kate — Of course you can ask! I’m glad you did! 🙂

    Question one — your personal experience differs from mine. What can I say? Either I haven’t described my experience well enough for you to recognize it, or else you’ve seen (and experienced?) counterexamples. I haven’t experienced counterexamples myself, but when/if I do, I’ll be sure to report it.

    Question two — since this experience is so subjective, I would have to have a personal failure for me to disbelieve in the technique. Seeing someone else fail wouldn’t be enough. After all, how would I know whether the person who tried and failed really had the necessary belief, desire, and gratitude?

    This most emphatically is not a scientific claim, nor is it intended to be. There’s no way anyone could scientifically test it. It’s just my own experience, and my own intuition; that’s all that I can offer. 🙂


  5. Let’s just say that I indeed recognize (and have seen/experienced) the sort of things you describe (as well as the opposite: the claimed Law “coming false”) … and I’ve seen/experienced these things (and their opposites) irrespective of whether I did, or didn’t, do the things that your blog-post correlates with “the Law of Attraction coming true.”

    Thanks also for your honesty in stating /a/ that you *do* have a way of determining whether the “Law of Attraction” failed you at any time, and /b/ that you would therefore indeed report a failure, if it occurred.

    Re the “scientificness” or otherwise of a claim — as I see it, whether or not a claim relates to “science,” one can apply certain basic “reality-checking” to the claim’s validity/reliability. For example: few if any sensible people would regard as “science” the statement “Britney Spears is madly in love with me, and therefore she will sooner or later do anything that I ask of her in a sufficiently sincere and convincing manner.” However, when someone says “Britney Spears is madly in love with me, etc.” despite the unscientific nature of this claim we can (and probably should) take a look at Ms. Spears’ actual behavior in order to see whether it falls into place with the claim made about her. We might even wish to see whether the claimant perhaps has a rather selective memory of events involving him and Ms. Spears — e.g., he may have attended a Britney Spears concert, seen her look in his general direction, and interpreted this as “mad love” for him, willingness to grant his every wish, etc., etc. (And we probably should not give very much weight to a statement that “My experience of Britney is subjective — therefore, not susceptible to reality-checking and such-like ‘scientific’ stuff — she looked my way during a concert for one moment, and so I just KNOW beyond all science that it means she loves me and she will gratify my every desire if I just make sure to express those desires sincerely and convincingly enough … )


  6. Kate, I hope you’ll forgive me if I express doubt that you’ve seen and experienced this intention manifestation technique fail. As I mentioned in the post, I found it pretty hard to maintain the both the belief AND the gratitude BEFORE the intention manifested; and quite often (as in the case with the trimmer cord) I found that when I was really honest with myself, I didn’t really fully want the intention manifested. Purposeful magic is hard and requires a certain level of introspection, self-knowledge and self-control. I’ve been working on this literally for years, and am only now seeing some good results.

    And when I say this isn’t science, I really mean it. If it’s true, then science is nonsense; because science assumes that the expectations of the experimenter have no real effect on the outcome of the experiment. I’m saying quite the opposite. And if what I’m saying is true, then even the simple ‘reality checking’ you describe in the ‘Spears Experiment’ is impossible; because Britney’s behavior — at least, what you observe of it — will change depending on your own desires, beliefs, and emotional force.

    Of course, it’s possible I’m totally deluding myself. If so, eventually I’ll fail spectacularly. I’ll be sure to duly report it if that happens. 🙂


  7. Certainly, I forgive you for doubting what I’ve seen and experienced: after all, you hadn’t seen or experienced it yourself.

    Also, I don’t see how “simple reality checking” must go by the wayside whenever the observer inevitably (even if subtly) interacts with — and thus changes — the item observed.

    If I set out to buy a car —

    and therefore wished
    to “reality check” the cars in the lot
    by such observer/observed interactions as
    inspecting the engine or going for a test-drive —

    what would you think
    if the car-dealer told me not to bother
    “because the car’s behavior — at least, what you observe of it — will change depending on your own desires, beliefs, and emotional force”?

    Much of what I see written on “The Law of Attraction” reminds me of the prayer that the young James Whistler (later an artist) reportedly uttered with great passion a few minutes after taking the exam by which he lost admission to West Point Military Academy:
    “Dear Lord, please make sodium a liquid at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure.”
    When his father asked the reason for such an unusual (yet evidently heartfelt) prayer, young Whistler replied: “What I have just requested of the Almighty is what I stated as fact on the examination.”


  8. Kate, Kate!

    I go further than even most Law of Attraction folks do. I believe (usually; intellectually; sometimes viscerally) that you literally create the world around you with your beliefs.

    So yes: I would be totally comfortable with walking onto a used car lot, using the Law of Attraction to pick out a car, and drive it away without doing one bit of testing. Frankly, I make purchases like that all the time. For example, I only applied to one college. 🙂 (I knew it was the right one.) I was accepted, and it was perfect for me.

    (Full disclosure: I wasn’t using the LoA consciously at the time, and I don’t know if I could presently do it for a project of that magnitude again. For whatever reason, the necessary feelings of certainty and gratitude arose spontaneously. This happens to just about everyone sometimes; I don’t know why.)

    As for poor Whistler, he may have believed in God, but I doubt he believed that God would really grant his prayer. He might have done better to ask God for a bureaucratic mix-up to make the test not count, or to make his examinationer lenient, or to help him (Whistler) have a better memory… Something more believable, from his perspective. It would have been more likely to work. 🙂


  9. If indeed you ” … literally create the world around you with your beliefs …”, then you can create around yourself a world in which I believe the “Law of Attraction” — whether or not I actually continue to disbelieve.

    In fact, if your premise held true … then you could even create around yourself (or I could create around myself) a world in which I had *always* believed the Law of Attraction …

    or (for that matter) you could create around yourself (or I could create around myself) a world in which (for instance) no one ever flew planes into the World Trade Center, my dad’s fatal heart attack never happened, etc., etc.

    Claims that our thoughts and feelings create objective reality remind me of the old story about one Mr. Jones, a New Age believer whose house had a spare room which he rented to a student called Fran.
    When Fran visited Mr. Jones, a week before rent-day, to mention that the college had canceled her work-study job — and therefore to ask for an extension on that month’s rent — Mr. Jones (a firm Positive Thinker) informed her: “That is not necessary or advisable. Affirm with all your heart that the abundant wealth is yours by rent-day — that you are just about to receive all the funds owed you — and it will be so. As a child of the universe in all its abundance, you have no monetary lack or other lack, except in your limiting beliefs. Affirm your abundance and you shall have it.”
    Fran thought over this promising new idea. “Do you really mean that I can talk myself into having the rent money this time next week?”
    Smiled the landlord: “Fundamentally, yes: though the correct technical term is ‘affirmation’.”
    To this, Fran replied: “Very well, then — I have an even better idea. Affirm yourself into having received my rent!”


  10. Kate — you’re absolutely right. Theoretically I could “make” you believe in the Law of Attraction; I (or you) could “make” it so that you always had; and one in which no tragedies have ever taken place.

    But right now I can’t force you to believe anything — primarily because (1) I REALLY DON’T want to do that, and wanting is the first prerequisite, and (2) I don’t really believe it anyway, and belief is the second prerequisite. I believe it intellectually, but I have to believe it viscerally — I have to be able to feel the certainty.

    Changing what we believe to have already happened is even more difficult, but it’s not impossible. After all, the past only exists in our memories and in the evidence it leaves in the present. Our memories can be (believed to be) faulty, and the force of evidence can change.

    A bigger philosophical issue for me is what happens when peoples’ beliefs conflict. Whose belief wins? I actually had some insight into that during my recent camping trip, which I hope to write about soon.

    The story about Mr. Jones is awesome! Well told, too — I said you have a talent for that. 😉 Fran is absolutely right; Mr. Jones should use affirmation to produce his income.


  11. You’ve pretty neatly summed up many of my concerns, by writing:

    “A bigger philosophical issue for me is what happens when peoples’ beliefs conflict. Whose belief wins?”

    This question, reportedly, regularly arises in theminds of the more thoughtful members of college football teams in those parts of the USA where a team’s pre-game preparations typically include group prayers for victory (prayers composed and led by the team’s coach). More than one player has asked himself or team-mates — though not normally aloud to the coach or during prayers — “When we pray to win, and our opponents pray to win, how does Jesus decide who gets to win? Especially if it ever happens that both sides have prayed equally hard, lived equally virtuous lives, or whatever else Jesus bases the decision on?”

    So I look forward to the insights you gained during your camping trip.

    Difficulties (with regarding as true the “Law of Attraction”) ultimately depend, I believe, on whether or not the facts of a matter (facts about the universe, ultimately) *matter*.

    For example:

    You as a linguist observe, know, and share many facts about our minds and how these minds create/use/respond to languages and to other symbolic systems (such as religions).
    From these observed facts, you can arrive at — and you can then test for validity — many ideas: to determine whether they, too, rank as facts or not:.
    (For instance, you can arrive at — and you can then test-against-reality, to confirm or disconfirm — an idea about whether or not human minds naturally tend towards polytheism.)
    Now: suppose that colleagues of yours — some other linguists with your strong interest in looking at religions as “languages” of sorts — also all started looking at the same problem (of whether human minds naturally go for polytheism) and brought to that investigation a strong belief opposite to yours. (For example, suppose those linguists had grown up in — and still adhered to — Islam, whose theology has held for centuries that all human minds have a strong innate predisposition to belief in/practice of the tenets and precepts of Islam.) Suppose, one day, it happened that the people fervently holding *that* belief about human minds (the belief that “human minds are naturally predisposed to a particular form of monotheism”) came to outnumber the belief which you yourself hold on the matter (the belief that “human minds are naturally predisposed to polytheism”) … once enough people came to strongly believe the former view, would the latter view (the one you believe, on the basis of much evidence) simply stop holding true?
    Would some “critical mass” of belief in the statement “humans are born innately predisposed to monotheism” actually change the species in such a way as to make the statement true? (And, if so, what implications does that have for someone who /a/ believes the “innate monotheism” statement false, /b/believes in the importance of recognizing the statement as false … yet /c/ believes also in the power of the “Law of Attraction” to make a previously-false statement come true?

    Or let’s take it further … what would happen if every sentient life-form, throughout the universe, strongly affirmed/believed in/wanted something incompatible with the “Law of Attraction”? — in other words, suppose that every sentient life-form strongly affirmed/believed in/wanted the ordinary logical/factual way of seeing things, in which “facts are facts,” “saying it doesn’t make it true” (as children often point out to each other), “the map isn’t the territory,” and so on? Does the “Law of Attraction” have enough power to, well, “attract” itself out of business under those circumstances?


  12. Magnificent questions! And I will address them in the blog post I promised earlier. Issues of free will come into it as well, obviously. A big promise, I know… 🙂

    I’m going to try to do a blog post tonight, but it’s going to be on Tolkien’s geographic tropes, to go along with Mahud’s synchroblog. It might be a couple of weeks before I get to the next big Law of Attraction article. (A title came to me in the shower, though: What Do You Really Want?: Magic and the Universal Subconscious.)


  13. Good luck with your blog posts tonight and thereafter — and with the book whose title came to you in the shower.

    I wonder whether your belief in the “Law of Attraction” might make particularly appealing for you a scene (which I myself confess I very much dislike) in one of the NARNIA books.

    You recall the “Aslan’s Country” [Heaven] scenes at the end of THE LAST BATTLE:

    in particular, you surely recall some dwarves who (on Narnia) had uncovered a conspiracy to get people worshiping a fake Aslan (actually a slave forced to wear an Aslan costume, and paraded around in costume for sleazy political/military purposes).

    The dwarves (once they find out the facts) quite reasonably decide to regard as fakery anything & everything whatsoever to do with Aslan:

    you could say they’ve over-generalized
    from “this ‘god’ was a fake”
    to “all claims of ‘god[s]’ will also be fakes” —

    but don’t forget: they had excellent reason to over-generalize!

    Though they have ended up in Aslan’s Country
    ( = Heaven) nonetheless —

    by forcing themselves into the stable which imprisoned the Aslan-impostor —

    they perceive Heaven and its beauties only as
    the filthy, stinky, cramped interior of the stable —
    they certainly do not perceive Aslan as Aslan, but only as noises outside the stable:
    more of the fakery, they feel sure.

    (In other words, a “Law of Affirmation”-believer might say that the dwarves experience a foul stable instead of Heaven because their belief in a stable has either created a stinky stable around them — that only they can experience, because everyone else in Heaven believes in Heaven instead.)

    Reading this LAST BATTLE scene, with the “Law of Affirmation” in mind, may please you …

    but (dare I say?) it seriously bothers me because it amounts to saying that (once you make a mistake)

    the “Law of Affirmation” (or Aslan, or whoever) can and will do the equivalent of fitting you with unbreakable, unremovable, all-senses “virtual reality” goggles:
    actually reaching inside you to to change your senses and/or to change your brain-cells in such a way that the mistake now looks correct & real: so that you cannot thenceforth ever discover that you have made the mistake.

    Unless we assume that Aslan has something in mind to liberate (from the installed illusion) these folks who committed no greater sin than to draw quite reasonable deductions from the evidence available to them),

    the “Law of Affirmation” implications of that scene

    (and of anything similar which might happen in real life, if one firmly believed/affirmed a mistake and the “Law” therefore made your mistake come true or even just made you unbreakably perceive your mistake as having come true)

    REALLY disturb me.

    Lewis’ scene here —

    like the “Law of Affirmation” notion it involves
    (the dwarves creating their own reality) —

    strike me rather like this:

    Now, imagine a schoolteacher who notes that some of the students have seriously misunderstood an important lesson — perhaps they’ve over-generalized a basic rule in arithmetic, so they subtract incorrectly … or perhaps they’ve over-generalized a rule about forming the present tense of some Spanish verbs … or any other common “over-generalization error”: the category of error that the dwarves have made).

    Suppose that, at the end of the term, after many frustrations the teacher tells these disappointing students:
    “Since you have made so many these deplorable over-generalization mistakes in math and Spanish, as your instructor I shall now remove from you the possibility of even noticing that you have erred. Therefore, I shall send you into the advanced class, right along with the students who haven’t made your errors — but I have arranged things so that you will not even see or hear any math or French beyond what you happen to know right now. This would annoy the other students, except that they will swiftly learn to completely ignore and avoid you.” (as the other residents of Aslan’s country swiftly learn to completely ignore and avoid the stable-perceiving dwarves.)

    (Dare I say, Jeff, that
    if it ever turns out that Aslan — or someone like him —

    /a/ really exists,


    /b/ really punishes disbelief by rendering the disbelievers eternally incapable of perceiving any evidence which could (given an eternity) finally lead them to love and believe in him …

    dare I say that, if this happens in *any* conceivable Heaven, I shall have excellent reason to regard that heaven’s Master (or Mistress, or other empowering force[s]) as evil — no matter what power, wisdom, and love he/she/it/they may have shown under other circumstances?

    To put it bluntly (or in parable) —

    suppose I ever do get to Aslan’s Country, and I find out that Aslan intends for all eternity to do nothing whatsoever with the skeptic dwarves: just letting them stay parked in a vile sub-reality of their own making, entirely as the “Law of Attraction” would predict —

    suppose Aslan’s Country turns out like that:
    I hope that (no matter how much I enjoyed the place) I would at the very least have the strength to go to Aslan and ask: “I hope, Sir, that you have some plan for liberating/un-deluding the dwarves. If so, please make me part of that plan. After all, we have all of eternity to do it in.” What would he say, I wonder?


  14. In my last message, please correct “sleasy” to “sleazy” — thank you.


  15. That is a moving plea, Kate.

    I don’t know what Aslan would say, obviously, but I hope he would say something like what Apollo said:

    The universe is set up to make sure it gets to the right place in the end. Let me give you an analogy. Imagine that down is Good and up is Bad. Backwards from the usual metaphor, I know, but bear with me. Down is Good. And imagine that each soul on Earth is a droplet of water in a river. Each droplet bounces against other droplets, gets shoved around, hits rocks maybe, etc. But overall, because of gravity, the river flows downwards — toward Good. You could even imagine that the ocean is Good; and sometimes the whole river seems to be flowing away from the ocean — because there are hills in its path, for example. And its path may seem to wind every which way, and take forever, and it may seem like it will never reach the ocean. But it will — in time. It will. And every droplet will get there, too. In the same way, every soul will reach the light.


  16. Okay — if Aslan (or someone similar) says that, (or something to the same effect) then he will not have disappointed me. (And THE LAST BATTLE contains a distinct if subtle hint that Aslan *would* say that about the dwarves — for he says, about them, something like “All that can be done, shall be done”: I don’t remember the exact words — and don’t have time to pull out my NARNIA books right now — but I know I came pretty close to them: and such a statement does suggest quite strongly that he figures he’ll get through to the dwarves eventually … )


  17. […] few weeks ago I gave some examples of my recent successes with magic (or “intention manifestation”).  The method I was […]


  18. […] few weeks ago I gave some examples of my recent successes with magic (or “intention manifestation”).  The method I was […]


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